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There’s something about autumn that cries out for urban legends and spooky tales to be shared during the atmospheric evenings of the season.
So, whether it’s because Halloween is on its way or the gorgeous pinks and oranges of an October sky bring out the storyteller in you, it’s impossible to resist placing a few heat logs in the wood-burning stove and sharing some scary stories with your loved ones.
Here are a few tales to enjoy around the fireplace…
Night Briquettes are an excellent way to keep your home warm through the winter months.
Whether you have a traditional fireplace, a log burner, a chiminea or a wood-burning stove, briquettes can provide long-lasting heat in an environmentally friendly way, but what is the best way to use them?
Here we have a closer look at the frequently asked questions and provide some useful tips on Lekto Night Briquettes…
With the turn of the year comes a stronger desire to stay indoors more nights.
So, while you may have been chilly while out and about during the day – at work, in the car, at the shops – there’s no need to feel the cold in front of your own fireplace.
And, as the hearth comes alive with the fire of Lekto night briquettes or heat logs, the rest of your fireplace (mantelpiece and chimney breast included) can look its finest as Autumn and then, Winter, really comes into their own.
If your home is blessed with a beautiful fireplace, you will also be aware of some of the issues that come with owning a chimney.
Here we look at everything from fireplace cleaning and chimney maintenance to answering questions on how often you should get a chimney sweep done and how much chimney sweeping costs.