Blog | Hints Tips Inspiration
With the cold nights coming in, we are eager to share how Night Briquettes and Heat Logs can keep you warm this winter.
Here is our handy guide of how to build a fire and get the most out of your Lekto products.
As well as creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere in your living room, a fireplace hearth and surround can also function in many other ways.
Here, we look at some of the purposes hearths may have and why they are important to your fireplace.
If you have just had a wood burning stove or a log burner installed, it’s difficult to know what is the best way of warming up your home. Do you use traditional firewood or are you looking for a quality alternative?
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With colder nights on the horizon, you can be forgiven for thinking you’ll be spending your winter evenings in an aesthetically-pleasing environment such as the one above: a roaring fire – complete with crackling firewood - thick blankets and one or two Christmas-themed ornaments.
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